By Karen

Updated August 25, 2023

Who's Writing This?
The Author of Uncommon Travel Germany

I'm always curious about the person behind the website, so here's a bit about myself and why an American is creating a site about Germany.

First of all, one of my great passions in life is traveling. It started early, probably because I moved to India as a young child and spent much of my childhood overseas, due to my father's work.

As an adult, I was lucky enough to live in Germany for several years and fell in love with the country. Frankly, Germany has gotten a bad rap and is probably the most under-appreciated country in Europe.

The beautiful mountains, charming half-timbered houses, ancient castles and cosy inns are enormously appealing. Music, literature, philosophy, art, architecture - Germany is a cultural hotspot. And it's hard to beat Berlin for an intense urban experience; for all the modernity, it's past gives it a haunted quality.

I'm also somewhat of a history buff, and there aren't many countries with a more fascinating story than Germany's.

Anyway, for all those reasons and more, I love to travel in Germany, and I wanted to share some of the less-traveled places that I've come across. Hence, this website. I live in the U. S., but I get back to Germany when I can.

Mother and son on the drum bridge, Japanese Tea GardenAt the Tea Garden, with my son

I hope some of this may be useful in planning your trip to Germany. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Gute Reise nach Deutschland!

All the best,


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